Cards Against Cancer
The goal of the game is to have the funniest, most outrageous combinations of questions and answers. Players aim to be the first to reach a predetermined number of points or to have the most points by the end of the game.
Shuffle the deck of black cards (questions) and place them face down in a draw pile.
Shuffle the deck of white cards (answers) and deal 5 cards to each player.
Place the remaining white cards in another draw pile.
Choose a player to be the first Tumor Commander (the judge for the round).
1. Question Phase: The Tumor Commander draws a black card from the question pile and reads it aloud to the group.
2. Answer Phase: Each player (except the Tumor Commander) selects one white card from their hand that they think best (or most hilariously) answers the black card's question. Players submit their chosen white card face down to the Tumor Commander.
3. Judging Phase: The Tumor Commander shuffles the submitted white cards and reads each one aloud, then selects the funniest or most fitting answer. The player whose card is chosen by the Tumor Commander wins the round and receives 1 point.
4. Drawing Cards: Each player draws back up to 5 white cards from the answer pile after each round. The role of Tumor Commander passes to the next player clockwise, and the new Tumor Commander draws a new black card to start the next round.
Winning the Game:
The game continues with players taking turns as the Tumor Commander until one player reaches a predetermined number of points (e.g., 5 points for a short game, 10 points for a longer game), or until players decide to end the game and the player with the most points is declared the winner.
Additional Rules:
- Card Substitutions: If a player does not like their hand, they can trade in one white card for a new one from the draw pile, but they must do this before the question for the round is read.
- Tie-Breakers: In case of a tie (multiple players reaching the winning points in the same round), each tied player submits their funniest white card from their hand, and the group votes on the best one.
- House Rules: Players are encouraged to come up with their own house rules to add personal flair to the game. House rules should be agreed upon by all players before starting the game.
- Enjoy the Game: Remember, the goal of "Cards Against Cancer" is to have fun and laugh, while being mindful of the sensitivities surrounding cancer. Play respectfully and enjoy the humor in a supportive and understanding environment.
Have fun!