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Climbing Mtn Kilimanjaro and Cancer Survivorship - by Dr. Chasse Bailey-Dorton

Writer: Dr Chasse Bailey-Dorton, MDDr Chasse Bailey-Dorton, MD

Dr. Chasse Bailey Dorton

From my personal experience, the similarity between climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and the experience of cancer survivorship is overwhelming.  

When you first hear the word “cancer”, the immediate thoughts that run through your mind include “I can’t do this”, “fear”, “overwhelmed”, and “scared” which are recurrent thoughts during different stages of the route to climb Mtn Kilimanjaro. Even the thought of death sneaks into your mind as you assess some of the scary portions of the Kilimanjaro climb, which is certainly a big part of the cancer experience. 

Gather your gear list

The first phase of preparing to climb Kilimanjaro is gathering your needed gear list.  The first phase of cancer diagnosis has a similar stage:  gathering CT/MRI scan results, lab results, physical exam, and biopsy/pathology results.  Once you have all your information and equipment you are ready to select your route and proceed with the journey.

Take one step at a time

On the Kilimanjaro climb, you only take one short slow step at a time with all your attention on where you will place your foot for the next step.  Your attention cannot waiver to even enjoy the surrounding scenery for fear of a miss-step.  If you look ahead (i.e., worry about what comes next) the path seems daunting and unachievable but with your head down and focused on each moment, you make the day’s journey one small step at a time.  Our African guides continuously reminded us to “pole, pole” which is Swahili means "slowly, gently, softly, quietly; be calm, take it quietly.

Ask for assistance

On the Kili climb, you have guides, which advise you and lead you on the correct path at the correct speed.  In survivorship, our guides are our physicians and navigators.  Near the summit it was so cold that at times I needed my guide to help me with the simple task of putting my gloves back onto my hands.  In cancer, you often have to ask for assistance with the simple tasks of life.

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Get support

On the Kili climb, you have porters, whose job is to carry all your needed equipment (tents, food, equipment, luggage, etc.).  In survivorship, we have many resources to help us carry the load – such as oncology nurses and nonprofits.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you

On the Kili climb, we have our teammates who help encourage, motivate and inspire us each day.  In survivorship, we have our friends and other survivors who play this role.

Share the experience

Finally, we have our tent-mates on the climb and in survivorship we have our family who are there with us day and night, minute by minute, even when we are weak, tired and dirty – they are there to share our lives and experience.

While climbing Kilimanjaro, your body and mind has to continually adjust to smaller amounts of available oxygen as you reach higher altitude, which often leads to fatigue and shortness of breath. The journey through cancer survivorship often leaves you feeling the exact same way!

So while both “mountains” seem insurmountable, by taking small slow steps with the help of guides, porters, teammates and tent mates – if you “pole, pole” – then you will indeed reach the summit of whatever mountain you are facing!  So thank you Kilimanjaro for teaching me another valuable lesson regarding life and cancer survivorship! “Pole, Pole ya’ll".

About Dr. Chasse Bailey-Dorton

Dr. Chasse Bailey-Dorton, MD is a 21 year breast cancer survivor and the Medical Director of The After Cancer. Her mission is to provide reliable information for someone with a cancer diagnosis, being treated for cancer, recovering from treatment, seeking cancer recurrence risk reduction strategies, or at high risk for cancer.

Chasse Bailey-Dorton

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